Japanese architects Atelier Bow-Wow are known as much for the books they produce as for the houses they design. The two outputs are inextricably linked — the former researching the urban conditions of Tokyo, where the duo lives, and the latter a fairly direct product of such research on hybrid conditions, small buildings and so forth.
Monthly Archives: February 2013
Lars Juel Thiis
Danmarks fysiske indretning er ved at køre af sporet, og vores fremtidige levebrød bliver sværere og sværere at definere. Vækst, ja, men hvordan? Vores kulturelle identitet, vores landskaber og byer består jo af store potentialer, så hvorfor har vi ikke længere hverken indsigten eller redskaberne til at forløse dem? Lad os, inden vi har savet grenen over vi sidder på, insistere på Danmarks og hverdagens kvaliteter, og vise en vej for en ny fysisk agenda, hvor vi sammen udnytter det fælles arvegods, bruger den kreative vidensektor, som alle snakker om, og former den sammenhængskraft, som alle drømmer om.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/62415683 w=500&h=281]
Dick van Gameren
The concepts ‘standard’ and ‘ideal’ are inextricably associated in housing design. In the last 100 years, efforts to create standardized and optimized affordable dwellings produced an endlessly varied series of designs for the ideal home, some built, some not. The recent economic and demographic changes have given renewed relevance to the call to reformalute housing ideals. Starting form a historic perspective and showing recent examples from his own work, Dick van Gameren will discuss new ideas and solutions for housing in urban contexts.
Dick van Gameren is professor of Architecture and Dwelling since 2006. Currently, he is also chair of the Architecture Department at TU Delft and part of the group integrating Berlage at TU Delf.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/64056574 w=500&h=375]
ding 3000
The design philosophy of DING3000 cannot be described by a dogma or an ‘ism’. The designs come about through a situation, product and customer-oriented design process which takes place somewhere in-between method and magic. The way to the product lies in the search for a new, better, different, unjustly forgotten, humorous idea. The resulting formal and functional perfection is largely due to this idea. The work of DING3000 is evidence of the pleasure they take in challenging materials, products and not least people’s behavior. Often they question available solutions and popular assumptions and proceed in a way that is contradictory to them. As a result, DING3000 continually discovers creative “virgin soil” off the beaten track.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/64543169 w=500&h=375]
Ryota Kidokoro
The ability to capture the designer’s imagination and to catapult the project to reality through innovations and design enhancements are defining qualities of any distinguished engineer. Such are qualities achieved by complementing engineering expertise with a profound appreciation of architectural design.
This lecture will introduce a selection of works engineered by Ryota Kidokoro, a structural designer from Arup’s Tokyo office, to illustrate the creative collaboration of an engineer from conception to completion. A brief overview of Arup, a global firm of designers, engineers, and consultants, will also be included in this lecture.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/62542137 w=500&h=375]
Matthias Kohler
The thrust of digital advancement in design and manufacture has changed architecture. A Digital Materiality is emerging, where the interplay between data and material can be seen as a constructive structuring of architecture. This extensive collaboration can be analytically developed and implemented on an architectural scale, leading to new forms of architectural expression and material sensuality. Against this background, the lecture will consider the hegemony of digital fabrication and the avatars of robotic manufacture in architecture. It will address the digital border crossing between the digital and the material and consider various projects and contexts.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/62418823 w=500&h=375]